Your Support Helps Sustain Us

Your Support Helps Sustain Us image

Our donors mean the world to us!

Welcome to our new donor platform. We hope our new software will make it easier for you to support us. Please know that all previous ways of donating are still available. And that no matter how you choose to donate, we are deeply grateful.

Our donors provide the fuel that our library runs on. Your gifts — of any size — make possible extended open hours for evening and weekend visits. They broaden the reach of WiFi and Internet services to those in our community who are without Internet service so that no student need be left behind. Your gifts put movies, audiobooks, TV shows and more within reach of all those who want them. And of course, they ensure online search and reservation capabilities of our vast collection of books for all library users.

If you haven’t yet become a donor, please take this opportunity to do so. We are deeply grateful for your support.